Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Completed Short film

Overall i am happy with the outcome of our short film although i still feel it could be a lot better. Parts which i am really pleased with is the variety of shots which i managed to film in the pub even though we had a small time allocated to us in there. i feel visually the shots are very interesting which is the key to keeping our audience interested. I also feel the cutaways we got of our main character relfecting in the mirror are very powerful, although only used shortly twice. Showing less and less of the after math and the attack keeps your self interested and lets your imagenation fill in the gaps we didnt show which is always a lot more powerful and we avoided the risk of making our piece becoming cheesy. Another part which i am very fond of is the ending when it cuts from here monolouge to her walking and then to the PREY logo. i feel the grains added to the shots of her walking home and out side also help make the piece visually flow well as it isnt a huge contrast change in the brightness of the sceen.

Parts which i feel could have been improved are for example the cut between the monoluge and the shot of the two girls in the pub with the older man. I feel that the cut glitches and this really bothers me. I also feel we could have either changed the location of the monologue or added a grain. The intentions of an all white background would have worked although it was shot to static and is too bright and doesnt fit in well with the darker or grainier scenes. Maybe adding a grain to it would of helped it stand out less. The idea of a white surrounding was to mislead the audience of purity and clinically clean and although it slightly works its too bright and our actor is a bit too enthusiactic in parts which she should have been a bit more sutile. I also feel that we could have made the script a bit better, maybe a bit more harsh and blunt to create a bigger shock factor.

If we would of directed the actors a bit better as well she could of also givien the piece a bit more of a darker and sinister feel. We could of made her speak more about the event especially when we never planned to show or film the attack which happens within the short film. This could have made our piece raw and chilling and much clearer. Because our actor was a musical theatre student i feel they are probably much more used to being and having to be an ethusatic performer. As far as comforming to the rules of a short film the time limit is what we have conformed to. Having an authentic and “crazy” or different nar

rative, what many shorts hold, is what we have captured for example like ‘About a girl’. But it is hard to say as the time limit is the only real code and convention. The idea and aim of a short film is to express and experiment with new and different methods of editing and filming which i feel we have accomplished although i think we could have pushed the bounderies with out editing. the only problem with this is the risk of our piece becoming cheesy. We have also broken the fourth wall which is used within the majoirty of shorts, which is when a character speak to the audience or camera.

Given the oppertunity to change the piece apart from being very pleased with the sound levels i would like to have changed the sound level of the two girls in th pub talking to the older man. before hand it was a very loud shot and i lowered the level to make the cut seem less harsh although now it seems to low. I would also insure that we direct our actors much clearer for example i wished we had instructed the second actor to act more drunk when in the bathroom on the phone. I am happy with the shots of them drinking but feel we should have been prolonged to strongly empthasis heavy drinking.

During planning i had already learnt from a previous production how important full and thorougher planning helps everything else run more smoothly. I did a lot of research on the internet about contracts for both talent and location. We wanted to do evething properly and legally especially when the plan was to film in a club. I produced both the talent and location release form, choose and wrote about the locations along with shannon, i organised the pub for filming when our club location fell through and i organised two of the actors as well as shannon organised our main girl. I got hold of the makeup artist for the bruise which is my mums friend and Shannon and i also arranged the props and what props we needed such as the clothing for the actors and the drinks for the pub scene. I produced both the production shedule as well as the risk assesment forms and i developed the budget and found a company which we were going to approach to help fund our short film for the powerpoint presention for our class which i organised and created. This helped us get a much more proffessional feel to our work and made us have a better aproach to all work when planning filming and editing.

Whilst filming apart from the dates, we didnt stick to anything else on our production plan due to everyones availabilty. We needed to shoot the monoluge during the day to get the best lighting but i had work that day so i had to make it up with filming the majority of the night scenes. A part i am very proud of is the shots i managed to produce whilst in the taxi, i did the back seat filming of the driver and the view of him in the rearview mirror and Lavinia managed to shoot felicity in the cab from the front seat with a large flash light. All filming went well although there was a major panic when the taxi firm we had organised wasnt corroperating well. As well as this i love the shots i managed to film in the pub. For example the shots of them talking and laughing and smoking out side. I wish they were more relevant for us to use them. I feel we have accomplished our ambition of standing.


The idea originally came from a poster created by the campaign Cabwise which was really hard hitting and cleverly thought out. It really encouraged me to propose this idea to my other group members. As well as this we have all recently turned 18 and have started going out more and more for the evening. This has made us much more aware of all the dangers whilst travelling home from a night out. Many young girls go out and drink with out even considering how they are getting home. A cheap cab offer from a man pretending to be a licensed cab driver is very appealing to young drunken girls waiting in the cold trying to get home. Because our narrative and story line is were we are coming from and we are similar to whom we are trying to target it i feel we were at an advantage and was able to produce something much more appealing.

Over this unit of short films we researched, viewed and analysed many. One in which strongly influenced the visual style and dialogue of our short film, ‘About a girl’. Our script similarly follows the misleading aspect of ‘About a girl’s dialogue. Both our main charatcer and their main character from ‘About a girl’ start off talking about personal interest and everyday life, the girl from ‘About a girl’ speaks of her ambition of becoming a pop star and her family and our actor starts talking about her night and the events of her evening. As the films both carry on they start revealing the truth about their lives and what distress they have encountered. Shots then interveen revealing more of the truth and helps uncover narrative and parts in which the characters may not want to share. We also used the monologue style within our short film which is also used in ‘About a girl.’ In both shorts, these monoluges shots are either mid or close ups which can and are quiet personal shots. It misleads us as we get the impression we are close to them and are going to hear some thing private but the first part of dialouge is something so simple. This technique helps prepare the audience for something that is personal like a secret. Both our short and ‘About a girl’ hold a “slap in the face” narrative with the beginning being very misleading.


For a short film it is hard to pick a certain target audience. short films are watched and viewed by niche audiences whom normally hold an interest within them be it avant garde art house or political. our aim was to kill two birds with one stone and create something for a younger audiences due to there not being anything relevant about unlicensed cabs for younger adults as well bring a better awarness of short films to a younger audience. we planned to accomplish this by our style and editing as well as distrubution. through distrubution we posted our short on facebook as well as uploaded it to youtube and vimeo. this way it was a lot more accesible for a yougner audience. as well as this we passed the link onto our friends whom could then pass it on and give us some feedback. we used a scenario which isnt very well publicised for a younger audience and which is still very truthful. to bring aware the dangers in a short film young girls can emphasis with and understand may help them be much more cautious. through the costumes used and dialouge used and the type of actors chosen these will all appear to the wider target audience we aimed for. Overal from our questionnaires our aims were met and and the age group we had planned to aimed at found our video very intreserting and appealing.

1.To open our short film we started with a black screen with the main character starting her dialouge and then faded to the shot of her on the sofa talking, do you like this opening of our short film, if not do you have an idea of what could have been more effective?

Yes No

What could have been more effective:

The majority answered yes but also gave us feedback on how it could be even more effective. things such as leaving a longer pause when its black with diegetic sound of the up coming shot sould help create suspence.

2.‘Our goal was to show young people the dangers of getting into unlicensed cabs and to advise people to organise safer travel arrangements prior to a night out’

Did our storyline illustrate our aim suitably?

Yes No Could have been made clearer

all students said yes.

3.For the flashback scene of Felicity walking home after the attack did the experimentation with colour give the scene a good effect?

Yes No

the majority of our audiences liked this effect they sad it gave a perception of distorted relaity something in which they felt our character was experiencing.

4.Do you think the use of music would have added more to our short film?

Yes No

Reason Why:

this question brought the biggest debate. half said yes and half said no. the fact that we didnt even experiment with music or extra sounds is our fault as we didnt even investigate our options t maybe even improve our short film. some said that they feel it could have brought a much more intense effect to the plot and other said the helped create a much harsher piece.

5.We purposley didn’t include footage of the attack do you think withholding this scene makes the film more powerful? Or do you think it would have been more powerful with it?

With Without

again the majority of our audience said it worked better without. doing use scences always risks making your piece look less serious and rather immature and could spoil or even offend as it is an extremely serious topic. one person said the fact the she says she doesnt even remember is harsh enough.

6.In terms of entertainment, What did you find most effective in our short film and why?

Use of camera shots Locations Sound Actors Visual Effects

Reason Why:

things that the audience picked out was mostly the camera shots and choice of sound. a couple people also said that the choice of locations helped our piece as well as the choice of actor and the pub scenes.

overall i am extremely happy with everybodys responses. the feedback i have gather from not only this showing to the year 12's but on facebook and youtube as well as from our class has been really encouraging.


the plan is to enter our short film into as many short film festivals and competitions possible.
i researched into virginmediashorts (http://www.virginmediashorts.co.uk/) but the time limit is 2minutes 20seconds. we are currently debating on whether we should enter the KAOS BSSC(http://www.kaosfilms.co.uk/) the British short screen play competition but they havn't released the submission forms yet for 2010. were are still currently going over the rules and regulations for the UA Short film competition and we are currently burning DVDs now to apply for the bang short film festival as well. (http://www.bangshortfilmfestival.com/nextfest.html)

I have just signed up to the BBC film
network and have just submitted our short to them. the process of this was to sign up and them fill our 4 different films one about our film the other about budget crew and characters the 3rd about us and the forth was part of filling in and signing a contract which is to be sent of along side either a DVD or a VHS of your short.

Our short film has also been put on facebook, twitter, youtube and vimeo. using the Internet enables us to distribute our short film which is accessible to our wider target audience. it is always a quick and easy method to pass around. it also helped gather a lot of feedback from friends and family.

Youtube:bettay91 Loved it!I like that you didn't have a
soundtrack playing in the background -
made it seem more 'real', as if you were going on the night
out with her...Loved the close up shot of the cabby
- creaaapy! You really don't expect the ending,
really built it up well because she starts up all happy and chirpy...
only constructive thing i can think of is...
to have music playing in the shot where you are dancing,
but all in all wicked ladies!Love Bethan :) x

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Inspiration Week

As part of inspiration week we had the chance to learn new ways of generating ideas for narratives and story lines. one of the sessions which helped me the most was a session when we were put into groups and visited a different table. each table had either a piece of art or poetry and from there we had to create a narrative. Our first table had a piece of A4 with pictures on it. The pictures which stuck out to me the most was the picture of a gold fish and an elderly person. the narrative we created from this which was a short called 'The Goldfish'. The narrative of the short film was that one day a granddad brought a gold fish for his beautiful grand daughter but whilst on his way to deliver the goldfish he gets a phone call saying that his grand daughter had been involved in an accident and has pasted away. Now a distort grand parent he goes home and does what ever possible to keep the goldfish alive as long as he does. A theme we thought would be good to carry out through this short was to make it a "silent film" with only a few diagetic sounds for example his phone ringing, and the cars passing him as he is on his way home from the disturbing phone call. we thought this would add a great sense of loss and loneliness and sorrow which the grandparent would be feeling. Places were we would film were places such as the granddads front room, the street where he receives the call a shop were he buys the gold fish and then back in his living room were it is just left with the gold fish.

The next table we visited had a picture of a table with empty chairs and a light bulb made by Patrick Calfield. From this we got the feel of a dis functional family that work together and get along by being deceitful towards each other. we felt that the light represented a change or something new entering the family which acts as a saviour. we thought that the light could represent new birth or life.

On our next table there were lyrics from an ABBA song. A story we created from these lyrics were a lady who was a performer and when shes on stage all her troubles blow away. Outside her life is horrid. The structure of this potential short was that it starts with her on her way to a rehearsal and as she is making her away bad things keep happening, for example bad news is reported, someone could be abusive towards her, and we follow her on this dreadful trip which is a representation of her life. As she finally arrives to her rehearsal and she begins we new person starts to come through and shine as her is in a happy element of escapism.

Our last idea came from a news article. There was an article of a car being in a persons living room with no structural damage to the home. "Its a car on the carpet, Pet". With queries how it got their josh and i developed a comical narrative for the scenario. The story we came up with is that one day a couple brought a home after their children descending into their own homes. when agreeing to buy the home there was nothing wrong with it but on the day of moving in they found a car in the middle of the living room with no idea how it may have got their. As years go on they adapt to living with a car in the middle of their living room. one day later on into their elderly life they decide for the first time ever to turn the car on. as later they fall asleep with the car on they both pass away together in the car. them turning on the car was symbolism for them ending one life and starting a new beginning.

Monday, 1 February 2010


Codes and Convetions Blog
Gareth Evans Occupation: http://www.bbc.co.uk/filmnetwork//users/6022658
Catharine Des Forges occupation: http://www.independentcinemaoffice.org.uk/whoarewe_catharinedesforges.html

Exhbition Research task

funding research

Production of short films

picture of first short film
picture of The Lumiere Brothers

La sortie de L'usine 1895
A Kiss in tunnel 1899
Angry Kid 2004
Alice in Wonderland 1903
Darling, do you love me? 1968
Colour on the Thames
Geri's Game
We Are The Lambeth Boys
Rubber Johnny

Other Short Films